
Pycnogenol® is the key ingredient in our formula and is considered the premier pine bark extract. With over 40 years of clinical evidence and more than 160 clinical trials, its effectiveness has been extensively demonstrated. Compared to other natural ingredients commonly used in sports nutrition and general wellness, Pycnogenol® stands out with its superior benefits. The safety, effectiveness, and quality of Pycnogenol® have been firmly established by Horphag Research.

What is Pycnogenol? What is Pycnogenols benefits? 

Pycnogenol Benefits Modex

Pycnogenol’s Unique Source

Pycnogenol, the French maritime pine bark extract, is derived from the bark of single-species pine trees grown in the pristine and natural Les Landes de Gascogne forest in southwest France. The forest is free of pesticides and herbicides, ensuring the highest quality of Pycnogenol components. The extract is not affected by seasonal variations, making it a premium botanical source. The patented extraction process adheres to Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) and is conducted at a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) compliant facility, with no use of toxic solvents. Additionally, the Les Landes de Gascogne forest is sustainably managed according to French forestry legislation, which requires the replanting of fallen trees every year.

How does Pycnogenol work?

Pycnogenol is an exceptional blend of procyanidins, bioflavonoids, and organic acids, with a precisely balanced and consistent formula. It is a powerhouse ingredient, offering unparalleled potency as a natural antioxidant. It is 20 times stronger than Vitamin C and 50 times stronger than Vitamin E in neutralising harmful free radicals.

The versatility of Pycnogenol allows it to tackle oxidative stress in numerous ways. It acts as a potent free radical scavenger and exhibits natural anti-inflammatory properties, along with boosting the production of endothelial nitric oxide, which improves blood flow and enhances exercise performance, muscle contractility, cellular energy, and glucose uptake.

Free radicals - why fight them? 

In our daily lives, our bodies are constantly exposed to free radicals, particularly during physical activity and stress. These unstable molecules can cause harm to our cells through oxidation, similar to how metal rusts and deteriorates. Prolonged exposure to free radicals can have negative effects on our performance and overall health. Pycnogenol® serves as a superior antioxidant, effectively combating the dangers of free radicals in two ways. Firstly, it increases the antioxidant capacity of our cells, and secondly, it captures free radicals in the bloodstream. This dual defense mechanism makes Pycnogenol® a one-of-a-kind ingredient in the fight against oxidative stress.

Is Pycnogenol® safe?

Pycnogenol® is a highly researched food supplement that has undergone rigorous safety testing and has been deemed safe for consumption. Toxicity tests have shown that Pycnogenol® is non-toxic even at high doses and with long-term use, and no serious adverse side effects have been reported in clinical trials. Although mild side effects such as gastrointestinal discomfort, headache, nausea, and dizziness have been infrequently reported, it is recommended to take Pycnogenol® with or after meals to minimize any potential stomach upset. Additionally, Pycnogenol® is certified as kosher and halal, and has been deemed "self-affirmed" GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe).

Modex® features a carefully crafted concentration to mimic the osmotic pressure of bodily fluids like blood, which optimises the quick absorption of nutrients, particularly Pycnogenol, into the bloodstream. The addition of papain enzymes in our formula is crucial in ensuring optimal clearance from the stomach, maximising nutrient absorption. This allows for a fast and controlled transfer of the formula from the stomach to the small intestine, resisting nutrient degradation while being gentle on the digestive system

Pycnogenol’s Role as a Sports Nutrition Energy Enhancer

During physical exercise, the body requires increased levels of oxygen. The efficiency of blood flow plays a critical role in supplying oxygen to muscles, returning carbon dioxide to the lungs, and transporting lactic acid to the liver. Adequate muscle oxygenation is essential for generating aerobic energy and avoiding the buildup of lactic acid through anaerobic processes. Studies in General Physiology and Biophysics have shown that Pycnogenol enhances blood flow characteristics, enabling the body to achieve optimal muscle performance and maintain its integrity.

Nitric oxide (NO), a powerful vasodilator, plays a crucial role in increasing blood flow and regulating the vascular response to physical activity. Pycnogenol has the ability to support the body's vascular needs during exercise and enhance the production of endothelial nitric oxide. A lack of NO production can impair blood flow, making Pycnogenol's support crucial for optimal performance.

The Importance of Nitric Oxide for Muscle Recovery and Energy

      1. Nitric Oxide (NO) is a vital vasodilator in the human body as it widens the diameter of blood vessels to enhance blood flow. This improved circulation delivers oxygen and essential nutrients to muscles, helping them perform at their best. Nitric Oxide is created from the amino acid arginine, which can be found in many high-protein foods. The conversion of arginine to nitric oxide is facilitated by the enzyme nitric oxide synthase, and within the blood vessels, it is carried out by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS).

      2. The production of nitric oxide in the body is limited by the availability of the enzyme eNOS. By consuming Modex supplement, Pycnogenol increases the synthesis of eNOS, allowing for greater production of nitric oxide. This enhanced generation of nitric oxide is made possible by Pycnogenol's ability to activate eNOS, causing the enzyme to work at a faster rate. This can be particularly beneficial for athletes and individuals who engage in physical activity.

      3. Blood vessels that are dilated facilitate the delivery of nutrients to muscles and other tissues more efficiently. This results in an improved blood supply that allows for a quicker transport of oxygen to these tissues, including active muscles. The dilation of blood vessels also extends to the venous system, which enables the quicker elimination of harmful waste products from the body. During exercise, Nitric Oxide plays a crucial role as it enhances the functioning of mitochondria, the energy-producing units in cells, including those in skeletal muscle cells. The mitochondria use simple sugars like glucose as a substrate and convert them into ATP, the energy unit. Nitric Oxide increases the conversion rate of glucose to ATP and facilitates the uptake of glucose into the cell. The faster glucose is taken up by cells, the faster it can be transformed into ATP energy

Pycnogenol’s Role in Muscle Recovery, Pain and Cramp Reduction

Muscle cramping is a common problem for people of all ages, ranging from the fit to people who suffer from health problems. An increase in physical activity can lend itself to sore muscles and fatigue, which can take several days to subside.

  1. A study published in Angiology shows that supplementation with Pycnogenol improves blood flow to the muscles which speeds recovery after physical exercise. The study demonstrated that Pycnogenol significantly reduces muscular pain and cramps in athletes and healthy, normal individuals. Poor circulation in the muscle is known to cause cramps and the antioxidant improved the cramping in patients due to a stimulation of blood flow to their muscle tissue.
  2. According to one of the lead researchers of the study Dr. Peter Rohdewald, the findings indicate that Pycnogenol can play an important role in sports by improving blood flow to the muscles and hastening post exercise recovery. This is great news to the millions of athletes worldwide and extremely significant for all individuals interested in muscle cramp and pain relief with a natural approach.

As new research breakthroughs on Pycnogenol for sports nutrition continue to be discovered, the findings thus far seem to indicate that Pycnogenol plays an important role for sports nutrition.

Extract from Total Health Magazine

The link between Pycnogenol and sports endurance was first studied several years ago at California State University. Recreational athletes showed an increase of athlete endurance while supplementing with Pycnogenol as compared to endurance recorded from participants taking the placebo.

Effects of supplementation of Pycnogenol on fitness. 

In a recent study athletes results were monitored for a 2 mile run, Push up test, Sit up test across a 4 week training program as well as a triathlon.


The study monitored the results for a triathlon consisting of a 750m Swim, 20km Ride and 5km Run. They undertook this course 10 times across 30 days with one group supplementing 150mg Pycnogenol per day and the other not whilst both following the same nutritional and training program. 

The average time of the Pycnogenol subjects was improved by 10 minutes and 48 seconds (11.39%) and the average time of the controlled subjects was improved by only 4 minutes 36 seconds (5.12%)   


Female subjects supplementing Pycnogenol improved their times on average by 11% where as controlled subjects improved their times by 1% 

Male subjects supplementing Pycnogenol improved their times on average by 17.4% where as controlled subjects improved their times by 7.9%


Female subjects supplementing Pycnogenol improved their max reps by 22% (39 push ups) where as controlled subjects improved their max reps by 9% (31-34.1 push ups)

Male subjects supplementing Pycnogenol improved their max reps by 22% (56-69 push ups) where as controlled subjects improved their max reps by 9% (58-62 push ups)


Female subjects supplementing Pycnogenol improved their max reps by 9.4% (61-67 sit ups) where as controlled subjects improved 4.8% (61.2-64.2 sit ups) 

Male subjects supplementing Pycnogenol improved their max reps by 14.67% (63.2-73.2 sit ups) where as controlled subjects improved 6.3% (63.2-67.3 sit ups)


A significant decrease in cramps and running and post-running pain was seen in the Pycnogenol group; there were no significant differences in controls. There was an important, significant post-triathlon decrease of PFR (Plasma Free Radicals) one hour after the end of the triathlon with an average of -26.7, whereas PFR in controls increased. In Pycnogenol subjects there was a lower increase in oxidative stress with a faster recovery to almost normal levels (<330 for these subjects). These variations in PFR values were interpreted as a faster metabolic recovery in subjects using Pycnogenol. 


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